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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?


Read Romans 8:26-30

There aren’t many Christians who would claim that following Jesus is easy, because it isn’t!  Life, work, family, sickness, doubts and a whole host of other issues are constantly at work challenging us, raising significant doubts, tempting us toward sinful behavior and challenging our place in God’s eternal Kingdom.  God, however, wants us to understand that amidst all this He is for you, wanting to help you in your weakness, walk with you in your doubt and ultimately assure you that you are secure in your relationship with Him, from eternity to eternity.

 Discussion Questions

  1. How does knowing the Spirit helps us affect how we might approach and think about our prayer lives?

  2. How do some people wrongly define the “good” of verse 28?  How should we rightly define it?  How does a correct understanding of that word change the meaning of the entire verse?

  3. How could you choose to read v. 28 and make it sound like God is a magic genie to those who love Him? What part of the verse is missed that helps us understand this verse correctly?

  4. How does knowing God has been “for you” since before the foundations of the earth impact how you think about the certainty and assurance of your salvation?

  5. If our motivation to pursue holy and obedient lives to Jesus isn’t rooted in ensuring our salvation, what motivation exists for living holy and obedient Christian lives?