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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message? 



Read Matthew 7:3-5 & Ephesians 4:31-32

Marriage is good, but marriage is hard. The problem in marriage is that two sinners are in such proximity that their selfishness and pride create conflict and pain. There are two crucial keys to survive and thrive in marriage: examine your own sin rather than your spouse’s and commit yourself to forgiveness as God has forgiven you.  


Discussion Questions

  1. What is the hardest part about marriage (or other close relationships)?
  2. Instead of confessing our sin, what are some common people or things we blame for our conflict or struggles?
  3. How does Jesus’ metaphor of the speck and log speak to marriage and our close relationships?
  4. How would you define forgiveness? What is required for true forgiveness to take place? What makes forgiveness difficult?
  5. How does God’s forgiveness of us relate to our forgiveness of others?