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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?  



Read Philippians 3:12-4:1

We may want to know Jesus and rejoice in him like Paul described in Philippians 3:1-11, but it’s harder than Paul makes it sound. Even Paul was quick to admit that he had a long ways to go in his pursuing of Christ. But this is our call: to press on and persevere, to follow the right examples and to wait eagerly for Jesus. The Christian life then is one of persevering in our race towards Christ and the resurrection.  


Discussion Questions

  1. Looking at v. 12, how does our perseverance relate to our belonging to Jesus?
  2. Why do we tend to act like we have it all together? Recognizing that, what’s a wrong response to our imperfection and what’s a right response?
  3. Looking at vv.13-16, how does Paul measure maturity? Does that fit with your expectations?
  4. What could it look like in our day for someone’s god to be their belly? How does that make them an enemy of the cross?
  5. What does it mean this week for you to “stand firm in the Lord”? How can we pray for you?