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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?  



Read Colossians 3:12-17

“I like Jesus, but not the church.” For many they want the benefits of the gospel without the community that the gospel creates. We want a solo Christianity, but is such a thing even possible? Paul wants us to see the challenge and beauty and necessity of the church and compel us to live together with the gospel at the centre.  


Discussion Questions

  1. Why do people “like Jesus, but not the church”? Do you see anything wrong with this?
  2. Is church primarily about individuals connecting with God, or something more?
  3. How should the gospel inform our relationships in the church? (see v.13)
  4. How does the “word of Christ dwell in you richly”? What does that look like? Are we experiencing that at TAC? Are we teaching and admonishing one another?
  5. If a healthy church is a thankful community, what can we each be doing to cultivate thankfulness in each other?