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Baptism is a public proclamation of faith in Jesus Christ and a demonstration of a repentant heart. As you get baptized, you are showing what God has done in your life through Jesus Christ, publicly displaying the salvation we have received by grace through faith in Christ alone.
While there are different methods of baptism used today, in the New Testament the only known method was by immersion, that is plunging the person under water and bringing them back up. In fact, the very definition of the Greek word baptizo is “to plunge, dip or wash”. It was a non-technical word that meant something like “to plunge under water,” and then came to refer specifically to the Christian act of baptism.
At TAC, we believe that the method of immersion best pictures our union with Christ in his death and resurrection. While we accept other forms such as pouring or sprinkling (upon confession of faith), our practice is immersion.
Since baptism is an act of identification with Christ and a picture of new life in Him, it should only be for those who have experienced new life in Christ. Once a person has confessed faith in Christ, they symbolically identify with Christ through baptism, not before. In all of the New Testament stories of people being baptized, baptism was administered following a personal profession of faith.