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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?



Read Ruth 2:1-17


In our first glimpse of Boaz, he described like a warrior. Here is a heroic man of valour and strength. But quickly we realize that he is no warrior. His heroism and strength are not in fighting, but lie elsewhere. What makes this man so heroic? And how will his story intersect with the impoverished widows just arrived from Moab?  


Discussion Questions


1. Why does the narrator emphasize the blind chance of Ruth stumbling upon the field of Boaz?

2. Do you recall an instance of “good chance” in your life when things were so well-timed that they can only be explained by God’s gracious intervention?


3. What does it mean that Ruth has taken her refuge under the wings of God (v.12)? What does it look like when a person today find their refuge in God? What attitudes and behaviours would they display?


4. Boaz is literally called “a man of mighty strength” (v.1), but as the story unfolds we see that this isn’t a reference to physical strength or military might. What makes Boaz a worthy man? What qualities does he model? What should we imitate?


5. What is God’s disposition toward orphans, widows and refugees? What responsibilities and opportunities do we have?


6. What principles do you see from the practice of gleaning that could be applied today?