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Opening What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?



Read 1 Timothy 6:3-10

As Paul re-commissions Timothy for his task, he warns of two sinful cravings that can destroy us: craving for theological controversy and for material possessions. Both cravings are combatted by cultivating contentment: contentment with God’s Word and contentment with God himself. In contrast with the insatiable materialism of the West, a faithful Christian will be content, thankful, and generous.  


Discussion Questions

  1. Is there something in the Bible that you struggle with (a teaching, or a question unanswered)? What does it look like to be content with God’s Word on that issue?
  2. Why do you think it is so difficult to diagnose our own greed?
  3. How does a love of money lead to all kinds of evils? Do we actually believe that love of money is danger to guard against?
  4. What is the problem with waiting until you have more income before being generous?
  5. In your life, when are you most content and when are you least content? In light of this, what can you be doing to grow in your contentment?
  6. Is there something you could cut out of your life in order to give more away? Is there something you think God might be calling you to give to?