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Opening What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?



Read 1 Timothy 6:11-21

In these final words, Paul re-commissions Timothy, urging him to fight the good fight and persevere in his calling. As a post-script Paul adds a final warning to those who are rich and then closes with a final plea to Timothy to be faithful with the gospel entrusted to him. The whole church must faithfully steward the gospel in its doctrine, teaching, worship, and behaviour so that they uphold the gospel for the watching world.  


Discussion Questions

  1. What do you picture when you hear the commands to flee sin and pursue righteousness? What would it look like for you to flee sin?
  2. What steps can you take towards pursuing righteousness, rather than just drifting along?
  3. How is the glorious return of Jesus an encouragement to persevere? How can you remind yourself of Jesus’ return in a way that encourages?
  4. How can abundant material possessions possibly harm us spiritually? What are the risks of wealth?
  5. List some ways that God has been generous with you. How should his generosity shape the way you steward your life and resources?
  6. What does it look like when a church guards the gospel vs. when it assumes the gospel? What about in a family or an individual?