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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?



Read Acts 3:1-26

The healing of the Lame Beggar is a sign that the messianic age has come and God is restoring the brokenness of our world through Jesus. What Peter proclaims is not more religious activity, but the end of religion with the dawning of the gospel. We, along with these pious Jews are called to repent and find true rest in the person and work of Jesus.


Discussion Questions

  1. Read through the passage and identify and explain all the titles for Jesus. What parts of the Old Testament are pointing ahead to Jesus according to this passage?
  2. Peter tells this crowd of praying, believing, faithful Jews that they need to repent and turn that their sins be blotted out (v.19). What kind of sins do religious people need to repent of? How can religion leads us away from repentance?
  3. How is repentance the worst thing you can do in a religious mindset? How is it life-giving when we have the gospel?
  4. How is the gospel different from a religious attitude? How can you explain this difference to people who think you are a religious person?
  5. The changed life of the lame beggar inspires awe in others and creates an evangelistic opportunity. How can your story and life create opportunity to speak of Jesus?