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Discussion Questions

1. Read II Corinthians 5:17-21. What is the ministry of reconciliation? According to this passage, why should we be ambassadors for Christ? What does it look like to be an ambassador for Christ? 

2. Paul refers to the Christian as 'a new creation'.  In what way(s) did syou ense that you were a 'new creation' when you came to faith?  In what areas or ways do you sense the battle between the 'old you' and the 'new you' surfacing in your life?

3.  Paul clearly builds an idea that evangelism isn't so much something we say or an event we attend or a destinational activity but a mind set, or way of living.  How does this reshape or challenge how you think about making Jesus known in your family, workplace, neighborhood or community?

4.  We drift in our faith when we forget or ignore our mission as Christians, we seek to build our Kingdom of career, family, wealth -or something else.  Discuss some of the challenges of having a family, career, or wealth and seeking His Kingdom first in our lives.

5. Verse 20 talks of God making "his appeal through us'… How does this challenge your personal responsibility to make Jesus known?

6. "Preach the Gospel at all times, when necessary, use words" is a common phrase Christians like to through around.  Discuss how a saying like this can both challenge our idea of mission while also having the possibility of negatively impacting how we think about mission.