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What is your favourite Christmas tradition?



Read Hebrews 1:1-4

Throughout history God has been revealing himself in a multitude of diverse expressions. At different times and in different places, through his prophets, God has given us portions of himself. But at the coming of Christ Jesus, God has done something different and has shown himself in a whole new way. In Christ, the perfect prophet, God has fully revealed himself so that we can know him and be known by him. In Jesus we discover God’s word to us, God’s work in our world and God’s glory in all of creation.


Discussion Questions

  1. How does the idea that God Almighty speaks to us impact you? Do you take this for granted?
  2. What things might distract us from receiving God’s revelation? How can we cultivate a posture of attentiveness to God in our lives?
  3. Jesus holds all things together; where does this truth confront your beliefs and behaviors?
  4. Jesus is making all things new; where does this truth confront your beliefs and behaviors?
  5. In what way may God be calling you to rest during the Christmas season? What practical steps will you take to rest?
  6. What is competing for your affection of Jesus? How are you challenged to worship Christ more fully as we approach the celebration of his incarnation?