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"God can use this as a two week teachable moment." - that's what our leader, Blaine Sylvester told us as we met in the prayer chapel at the Taipei Airport 2 weeks ago. And now here I am looking back at that big 'teachable moment' with a full heart....amazed!
The Cambodia Missions Trip was not an experience I sought out. When I was asked to be an Adult Leader, my initial (internal) response was 'no' ....but very quickly I had no peace with that answer and knew that God wanted my "yes" - even if it was a nervous one. The whole 7 month experience has become a great big lesson in trust ....fundraising, 'the hot seat', the Downtown East Side weekend, serving as a leader - so much unknown - and we hadn't even left for Cambodia yet.
One of our first days on the trip we were challenged to ask the question "What is the grace I need from God today?" It became a recurring question in my head that reminded me of my need to depend on God for what that day would bring. We have prayed together, leaned into God and experienced His faithfulness....whether it was flying, leading a group devotional, culture shock, teaching English when the lesson wasn't working, going alone into an orphan home to share a meal with one mom, 11 boys and only smiles and a few words in common, praying aloud in a large group for people you've just met, feeling sick, swimming in green water, eating the unknown, never being alone or feeling totally alone....we have prayed and exercised our trust in God and found Him faithful. Prayer and trust - my "two week teachable moment".
And am I thankful I said "yes, I'll go"?? Oh ya- SO thankful!

And one last thing....I have so many beautiful moments tucked into my memory bank of my faves? As we said our sad farewells to our small class of girls on the last evening of English Camp, huddled together in a group hug, I wondered - how do we end this well? Just then one of our students said "let's pray together as our goodbye". Sweaty heads bowed and we all prayed aloud at once in our own language with tears in our eyes and gratitude in our hearts for a God who has rescued each one of us. Priceless.