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After his resurrection, Jesus told his followers “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” For these Jews in Jerusalem, it was Rome that was the very end of the earth, both geographically and morally. First century historian Tacitus said Rome was, “where all things sordid and abominable from every corner of the world come together.” And yet even here, especially here, Jesus was building his church.

Under the wrathful watch of Nero, and in the face of unending debauchery, violence and persecution, the church in Rome grew and grew. Hoping to partner with this church in spreading the gospel to Spain, Paul wrote to Rome to encourage them, and us, of the Gospel of God. Join us on Sundays at 10am as we walk through this incredible letter together.

For audio messages, visit the Gospel of God series page.